Personal Statement

Hello, I'm Dr. Tsonis, or Dr. Mary as most of my clients call me.  I am so pleased that you are exploring the clinic website.  I am so proud of this clinic.  I have spent many years acquiring invaluable experience in the public sector and in private practice but this clinic, Your Psychology Clinic, is my latest endeavour, and was created for you, my clients and with the mission of providing the best psychological services.   Your Psychology Clinic is based on my former clinic, the Laval Centre of Neuropsychology and Child & Family Psychology, which existed between 2007 and 2012, also in the heart of Laval.  However, in my own pursuit of growth and happiness, Your Psychology Clinic was created.  Psychology is my passion and this clinic represents the respect that I have for my clients and my chosen profession.  This clinic represents who I am professionally, all that I have learned, and all that I continue to aspire to be as a psychologist.  Critical to the mission of this new clinic is the team at Your Psychology Clinic, a team that is nothing short of amazing.  They are a group of exceptionally trained psychologists who are committed to practising by the highest standards.  I consider myself very fortunate to be surrounded by such people who share my fundamental respect for our profession and for their clients.   Together, we will continue to service Laval and the surrounding areas. 


You must be the change you want to see in the world
(Mahatma Ghandi)
You must be the change you want to see in YOUR world

Apart from my family and friends, there is nothing more fulfilling in my life than knowing that I have helped a client, either to resolve an issue, to move forward in life, to feel better, to return to work, to help parents and children find their way in the world of learning disabilities and family issues.  Life can be oh so wonderful but it can also be quite challenging.  I have worked with clients who have had to face tremendous struggles, sadness and pain.  I have also seen them find the courage to confront their challenges, be it childhood disabilities or traumas, marital or career issues, depression and anxiety, and carry themselves through journeys to a happier life.  I am inspired and motivated by them, by their courage to confront issues and challenges and to make impressive changes in their lives.  I feel priviledged and honoured by the trust they have shown in allowing me to accompany them through their process.  Their success stories are my inspiration to keep doing what I do.  In my work, I seek to empower people to take command of their lives and their happiness.  I try to live my own life by the wisdom reflected in quote above.  As you can see, I have modified it to reflect how I practice, how I live.  There is no secret key to happiness. The key to change and to our happiness lies within each of us.  I encourage clients to develop the ability to access their own power over their thoughts, behaviour and feelings in order to shape and take command of their lives. 


If you are exploring the website it is likely because you are considering seeking help. It may be for a personal issue, a relationship or family problem or for your child…no matter what the issue may be, I encourage you to call or email to book a consultation session (without any further committment) or take advantage of the free telephone consultation to ask any questions and get more information. I often find that people benefit simply from the phone consultations even if all I do is explain the process of an evaluation or therapy.  Even brief phone consults can help you figure out the next step. So please don't hesitate, call us and we will be very happy to provide information, assess whether we have the expertise to best serve you, and if so, then meet and discuss an evaluation or therapy plan with you. Rest assured that the first thing we do (usually on the phone) is assess whether we can provide the expertise that you need. If such expertise is not available at our clinic, we will refer you to the necessary experts! The mission of this clinic is to best serve people not just clients!


Dr. Mary

Studies and Clinical Work

Studies and Clinical Work Experience

Dr. Tsonis has studied at McGill and Concordia Universities.  Her doctoral research was centered on sensory and perceptual contributions to cognitive development in infancy.   Specifically, her work contributed to the research literature on the contributions of touch and vision on cognitive development and information processing in infants.  Her research was funded by Concordia University and Provincial Scholarships (FCAR).  She was also the recipient of a scholarship from the Hellenic Scholarship Foundation.

She now has acquired over 15 years of clinical experience in the public and prIvate sectors.  In the public sector she has worked in psychiatry and psychology departments of the Douglas Hospital, the Allan Memorial Hospital, the Jewish General  Hospital and the Montreal Children's Hospital.  She was founder and director of the Laval Centre of Neuropsychology and Child & Family Psychology before founding her present clinic, Your Psychology Clinic.  Throughout her career Dr. Tsonis has pursued specialized training in family and couple therapy, adoption and attachment issues, and in autism spectrum and other neurodevelopmental disorders.  She is known for and highly sought out by pediatricians, schools, CLSCs and parents for her expertise in differential diagnosis in children, acquired through her research and clinical work with very high risk infants and children, as well as through her work on multidisciplinary teams.   She contributed substantially to the development of the psychology services offered to high risk premies at the neonatal follow-up clinic of the Jewish General and in her position as primary psychologist of the autism spectrum disorders program of the Montreal Children's Hospital between 2004 and 2007.  

Research & Teaching

Research and Teaching Experience

Dr. Tsonis also has a research and teaching background.  In her various hospital positions she has always integrated research into her clinical work and has been involved in research projects on cognitive development, ADHD, high-risk premies, and autism.  Her work has been presented at various professional conferences and published in scientific journals.  In fact, her first ever conference presentation at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association earned her the prestigious Elinor Ames award for best poster presentation.  She has in depth knowledge of psychometrics, and the development and validity of tests and measures of child functioning, including intelligence tests.  She has taught university level courses in statistics, research methods, and abnormal child development.  She has trained and supervised doctoral level clinical interns.  

Child and Family Expertise and Services

Child and Family Expertise and Services

Her work with children and families consists of evaluations and therapy.  She is one of the rare psychologists with expertise in infant and toddler assessment.  She also evaluates school age children and adolescents suspected of autism spectrum disorders, learning problems and disabilities, attention and hyperactivity problems.  

Her evaluations are designed to address the referral question or problem with a series of tests tailored to your child.   While she uses only golden standards in terms of tests, she does not sell  clients a standard pre-determined battery…every child is different!   She does not put your child through tests that he/she may not need but only through tests that will help identify your child's problem and assess his/her most important developmental or academic She proposes a testing plan to parents and guides them through the testing process session by session.  When necessary, Dr. Tsonis will collaborate with daycares, schools, pediatricians, speech and language therapists, and other professionals involved in the child's care.  If important to the diagnosis, she will even observe your child in daycare or in school.  

Finally, Dr. Tsonis provides individualized reports and firmly opposes generic reports that are little more  than a list of test results.  Your evaluation will lead to a written report and verbal feedback that will make sense of all the test numbers and results.   The report will include practical recommendations (for parents, doctors, schools, etc…) that will help address your child's needs and get them the necessary services (e.g., in school).  

Her therapy services for children and their parents include child and/or family sessions for behavioral or emotional problems, attachment issues, adjustment to parental separation and/or divorce or for blended family issues.  She also often coaches parents and believes strongly in empowering parents with strategies that will make them feel effective and competent in managing their child's issues or behavior.   After all, kids may spend an hour per week with a therapist but many many more with their parents…so parents are the best bet through which to effect changes in a child!  Finally, while psychologists may be experts in child development, behavior, and disorders…parents are the experts on their own children!  Dr. Tsonis firmly believes in using this expertise!

Adult & Couple Services

Adult and Couple Services

While she absolutely loves her work with children and families, Dr. Tsonis is equally dedicated to her work with individual adults coping with a variety of issues such as anxiety and depression, workplace and career issues, parenting issues, burnout, divorce, infertility,  and other personal pursuits and struggles, or who simply want to make some changes in their lives.  Dr Tsonis employs an integrative approach in her work with adults and couples; that is, she will draw on various therapeutic approaches depending on the problem, the client and the goal.  She is a dynamic, no-nonsense yet sensitive, empathic, and non-judgmental therapist.  She takes an open, active and collaborative role with her clients in therapy.  Dr. Tsonis also accepts mandates for therapy from IVAC, CSST, and Employee Assistance Programs.  She also conducts evaluations for international adoption applicants.